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WSRE Public Inspection Files & Policies

This site provides summary information about WSRE licensed television broadcast station and access to the station’s “public inspection file” (or “public file”). 

The following is a list of files maintained by WSRE for public review. If you have any questions please call Laura Shaud at (850) 484-1231 or email Each file is archived on this page as a PDF.

Annual Financial Reports

Audited Financial Statements

Local Content and Service Reports

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Documents

Station Diversity Policy

WSRE will, through its programming, employment and volunteer opportunities, service(s) delivery, and community engagement activities, be sensitive to and reflect respect for the diversity of cultures and citizens in our local communities. Station activities and policies will promote respect and appreciation for all, without regard to race, gender, religion, marital status, national origin, age, disability or sexual orientation, or genetic information.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us. Simply stated, our policy is to collect no personal information about you when you visit our website unless you affirmatively choose to make such information available to us. Review the station's Confidentiality Protocol Statement to learn more about WSRE's commitment to the ethical collection and use of information.

WSRE TV Diversity Statement

Elements of diversity that grantee finds important to its public media work

As a Public Television Station, WSRE is licensed to The District Board of Trustees of Pensacola State College, Florida (the “College”). The College is a political subdivision of the State of Florida created by Florida law and charged with an educational mission in s. 1001.60, Florida Statutes to “provide outreach to underserved populations.” WSRE is operated by the College in furtherance of that mission by providing quality educational programming to all members of the College’s service area. Additionally, the College is governed by a nine-member Board of Trustees appointed by the Governor of Florida, and the Board of Trustees has implemented PSC Policy 6Hx20-1.007 designed to foster diversity by prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, ethnicity, religion, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or genetic information in its programs, activities and employment. The College also has procedures in place to ensure that its employee selection and hiring process is conducted fairly and promotes inclusion and diversity.

In furtherance of the College’s educational mission and in accordance with its non-discrimination policies, the College endeavors to promote diversity through WSRE’s programming and operations. WSRE provides services to an area covering northwest Florida and south Alabama. The population of the coverage area includes communities that are diverse in gender, age, race, ethnicity, culture, level of education, physical or mental capability, religion, national origin and economic status. WSRE strives to serve all viewers by considering the diversity of local populations when planning community engagement, educational services and on air or online programming.

WSRE TV operates two Imagination Stations – one in a downtown location accessible to underserved populations by walking or public transportation and a second location in an elementary school where the majority of students are from an underserved population. The Imagination Stations are play and learn activity centers focused on early learning which provide access to PBS Learning Media via computers, along with games and toys designed to foster creative learning and improvement of motor skills. In addition to being a free resource for parents of local children, the Imagination Stations serve several groups whose membership is made up of physically or mentally challenged children. The two locations were closed due to the Covid pandemic and are scheduled to be reopened in 2023.

Extent to which grantee’s staff and governance reflect such diversity

WSRE understands that the staff, management and governing body should be representative of the population it serves in order to assure that diverse views are considered in the decision making processes related to programming, community engagement and education services. In support of that recognition, the station strives to create an inclusive workforce. As of January 2023, station staff was 44% male and 66% female with four positions vacant.

Because WSRE TV is licensed by the FCC to The District Board of Trustees of Pensacola State College, Florida, the Governing Board is the Board of Trustees. The Board is composed of up to nine members who are appointed by the

Governor of the State of Florida. As of January 2023, the Board was comprised of 33% female members and 67% male members, with one minority member.

Additionally, the hiring procedures implemented by the President of Pensacola State College create a merit based system which strives for diversity and inclusion throughout the hiring process. Procedure 430 in the PSC Manual of Procedures requires a hiring process which includes, among other things, the public posting of positions, a review of applicant pools to determine whether they are sufficiently diverse, the formation of applicant screening committees that are balanced with regard to race and gender, and a review of interview lists to ensure that all qualified minority applicants with qualifications that are equal to or greater than any non-minority applicant selected for interview are included in the interview process.

Progress made in last two to three years to increase diversity

WSRE offers internships of one semester to students of Pensacola State College who are interested in the areas of management, production and marketing. Although this program was suspended due to continued Covid 19 restrictions in fiscal year 2021-2022, the station’s internship program will continue to seek and engage interns with varying cultural backgrounds, gender and race in the Marketing and Production areas of the station.

Annually, station staff and management review and revise the strategic plan based on revised Mission Statement, Vision Statement and Core Values. Two of the core values, Accessibility and Diversity, relate to making sure that the station staff and management are always mindful of the diverse population that the station serves. By providing free over the air and online programming, the station makes its services accessible to all audiences in the broadcast area, regardless of economic status or location (rural versus urban).

WSRE annually completes an EEO Public File Report in compliance with the Federal Communications Commission’s rules. This report is posted on the station’s website for public access to the information and provides information about vacancies within the past year, along with information about how the vacancies were advertised to assure exposure to diverse groups of job seekers. In addition, the report describes the station’s participation in job fairs. During the last EEO reporting period two vacant positions were filled with minority applicants.

Diversity plans for coming year

The station will continue to recruit interns for the internship program from varying race, gender and cultural backgrounds. Because interns are recruited from the student population of the Pensacola State College, the pool of applicants for internships represents the diversity of the population.

Station management will continue to arrange for annual diversity training for all management and staff.

All hiring for station positions is done through the Human Resources department of Pensacola State College following the requirements of PSC Procedure 430 to ensure diversity. All steps of the hiring process are reviewed by the HR department for compliance with EEO requirements. Proposed membership of hiring committees is reviewed by HR for balance of race and gender. In addition, all

applications are reviewed for qualifications and HR requires that any minority qualified applicants are afforded the opportunity for an interview. The station will continue to follow this process in the upcoming year.

The goal of the station regarding hiring is to strive to hire qualified applicants who represent the diverse nature of the population that it serves.

Additionally, Pensacola State College maintains a Coordinator of Diversity Initiatives position. The duties for the position include, among other things, developing special programs targeted to cultural diversity and minority programming with WSRE-TV, and coordinating with Human Resources and Budget Managers, including WSRE-TV, regarding their recruitment of minority faculty and staff. This position provides for an employee who has responsibilities specifically targeted at increasing diversity at Pensacola State College and WSRE.

Online Public File Carriage Statement

Noncommercial educational station WSRE, Pensacola, Florida, requests carriage of the station on DBS providers serving the Mobile, Alabama – Pensacola. Florida (Ft Walt) Designated Market Area.

Please direct questions regarding this carriage statement to:

Name: Jill Hubbs, General Manager
Phone: 850-484-1236 (office) 850-572-2055 (cell)

and to the carriage election contact listed in the station’s online public file.